D - my teen.
13 years old.

D, you are truly many, many things. There are days you make my heart swell with pride, and there are days I feel like I'm banging my head against a wall. All days though, I am beyond thankful for the gift of getting to be your mother.

I may not have given birth to you, but you were born in my heart. God has a special way of aligning people's lives to make sure everyone gets what they need. Everyday, I do my best to parent you.... to guide you..... to help you become the best man you can be.

On the days when your ADHD is a huge challenge, and I get phone calls from teachers, I try to keep in mind your sweet personality. I love your heart D...... you are always willing to help anyone. You are thirteen years old, and will still gladly give your Mom a hug, or tell us you love us. You're proud to have me help out at boyscouts.

I love the fact that you're so into reading lately. You are super bright D..... that's half of our frustrations when it comes to your schoolwork. You are so lucky that the subjects come easy for you..... we just have to teach you to self motivate.

If there's one thing I can impress upon you, it's to always stand by your word. You will go through life, and there will be times you will have lots of possessions, and times you have few.....

There will be times when you feel everyone is your friend and in your corner, and times where you will feel very alone.....

No matter what happens, the one thing no one can ever take away form you is what your name stands for. It's my wish for you D, that when people hear your name, they know it's a name they can count on. A good, godly, caring man, who is always willing to help someone out.

I know it may seem a long ways off, but the years fly by more quickly than you can imagine. Before you know it, you will stand before us in a cap and gown, on the brink of starting life as an adult. These teen years are full of turmoil, but I promise you D, we'll get through them. It gets easier..... life is so, so good. I pray you don't take these years for granted.

I love you D, and I'm proud of the man you will one day become. Always know that, no matter what, I carry you in my heart. Love is one of the most powerful forces on this beautiful planet, and no love other than God's love for us, is greater than a parent's love for their child.
What a cutie! Great shots. Looks like his mommy. :)
Nice pictures... nice commentary. :) You can tell how much you love him.
Blessings, Kari
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