So, this week, it wasn't me who took a cell phone photo of the tire on my minivan. I would never be so lazy to not just dig a paper and pen out of my purse! Besides, it's not like I don't have a steel trap for a brain... I can remember a simple number to tell the nice man at Sears! Not Me!

Likewise, it wasn't me who, on a evening trip to the supermarket for milk and bread, ran into "Aunt A"! It sure wasn't me who stood in the aisle of Tops for 30 minutes catching up with her and her adorable baby! Oh course it wasn't me! I'm always on a strict time schedule, stopping for nothing until the jobs complete! Oh yeah, it also wasn't me who took a cell phone photo of us in the supermarket, and text messaged it to my husband with the title, "The Reason I Am Taking Forever." I am WAY more mature than that!

Finally, it was not me who took her 1.5 year old to the YMCA soccer clinic for two hours each day, so her youngest boy could learn how to play. I KNOW better than to think she'll conveniently nap for those two hours!

In addition, it was Not Me! who let her daughter break all the rules! I would never let my precious child eat in a gymnasium......

...pretend cones were megaphones......

....or crawl all over a dirty gym floor! I am WAY more together than that! There's no way I'd let her come in contact with all those germs! NOT ME!

So how about you? Hop on over to MckMama's blog and join in the fun, or just see what everyone else didn't do this week!
Love it! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Your kiddoes are precious! Crazy what we will let our kids do that we used to swear we never would!
I am laughing so hard I have tears.. Too funny.. and I have so done the camera phone thingie to remember something.. LOL How did we live before all these gadgets. Great post
well, I think that photo of your tire is cool - looks like some modern art :D -I do that a LOT - taking pictures of things I need to remember - mostly at school though - I have lovely collection of blurry photos of the lectures and notes - which I will never use, but it feels good to know they're somewhere there :D
great post! :)
Your kids are adorable!!
Thanks for stopping by!
thanks for coming by my blog this morning! :) you have an adorable family!
Now I wish I had a camera on my phone because that's a brilliant idea!
Your steal trapped brain and mine should be friends. I can't remember a thing!
Thanks for the comment on my blog!
Love the photo with the megaphone...kids have the best imaginations!
BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog. = )
Haha about eating the YMCA gym, my cousin and her 18mo do the same thing! It's the only way the baby will sit through soccer practice for her sister!
you totally crack me up! you have a gorgeous fam....the littlest one is so stinkin' cute! thanks for stopping by my blog...have a great week!
:) Oh, I would totally do all of those things :)
Thanks for commenting on my Not Me! Monday post! I have to admit, I do NOT use my cell phone camera for similar things all the time ;-).
I love your idea of taking a pic of the tire. I wish I had thought of that myself.
Thanks for your comment. You're the first comment from someone I don't already know. Thanks!
picture of the tire is brilliant!!!! and I love the YMCA all over the gym pictures...I may or may not have done the same thing once or a hundred times with my youngest. :)
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