Edited to add explanations and link back to photo challenge website!
1: A flag that represents you
I'm proud to be Italian....my Mother is 100%, and many of my relatives speak Italian fluently...

2.Something comfortable
Nothing more comfortable than a Father's touch...

3.Something in Season
Well, summer IS slide 'n slide season, right?

My favorite set of piggy in the world....so cute!

5.Repetition (click to enlarge)
Every look outside and just feel like your kids are EVERYWHERE???

6.Culture or Ethnicity
Something about kilts I just love...

I love high contrast black and white shots....

8.An indulgence
Because who doesn't love pie?

9.A Macro or Closeup
Neighboring Lizard...lol......because sometimes you run out of bugs and flowers....

10.Something Masculine
This was parked near our house, and I thought it qualified...

11.Something Femenine
Something about the way she's holding her hand, and the look on her face, just is so girly to me.... I love this shot!

Sunflowers and Sun....

Someone's recycling bin...... I took this one on a walk with my kids. I'm pretty sure I've embarrassed them for life....

On the walk, our neighborhood post office....

15.An Arrow
I looked everywhere for a cool arrow..... I finally found this one on our drive to Hershey!

16.Something Wet
Doesn't get more wet than the top to a fountain!

17.Something Dry

I have not seen a butterfly all summer.......this is my favorite wind chime though!

19.Heart-shaped clouds
Found on our drive to Hershey

My son, facing his fear of heights....

These are great! Love your interpretation of the subjects.
That is a good collection there.
im gunna have to do this sometime!
ewwww~ your close up is kind of creepy! awesome shots!
oh man, I am with you on the kilts! Love your feminine shot, you're right about the expression and the way her hand is arranged-very feminine!
love the business and arrow shots, and lol about the recycle bin. =) strength is a good one, too. I think your heart cloud kinda looks like the one I got...maybe we caught the sky at the same moment from different parts of the world...haha.
My favorites are the lizard and the sunflowers -- greeat shots : )
These are so wonderful - I think my favorite is your something dry shot. Nice work!
Totally great...SO glad to hear from you.. I figured you were working on that camera.. Becoming best friends and all....Hope you rae still having fun!
I love your interpretation of repetition.. I so relate! :o) The lizard is one of my favorites too.
Hello! Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for your nice comments on my blog. :) I'll come back and comment on your photo hunt entries when I have time to take a closer look. What I saw looked awesome though!
Thanks for commenting on my photo hunt photos! I love all of yours, especially macro and butterfly. The colors on the wind chime are gorgeous!
Love your photos! I think that your shots for comfortable and feet are my favorites! They are both precious! I mean who doesn't love baby feet?! Great job!
Great shots! I love the sunflowers and the edit you did to create the repetition shot.
great shots! My favorites are you close up and your masculine shots. Love the angle of these. And thanks for commenting on my blog!
Wow! I wasn't able to get that project done :( Yours is great!
I haven't been around much...last week, I got a teaching job! I am going to teach ASL (American Sign Language) as a foreign language in a public high school! I'm geeked! Also, a bit anxious...my first real teaching job...in a real school-lol!
I finished my August photo shoot and am now waiting for my first paying customer. We will see how that goes!
Have a good weekend!
I love your Macro close up..Love love love...
I love your shots, especially the macro one!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I really enjoyed your photos, but my favorites were touch and feet.
Love your interpretations! Great shots!
I'm thinking the neighboring lizard could be why you've run out of bugs? :-)
Great job! I loved your closeup and feminine was really sweet. Thanks for participating, hope you join us again in October!
Thanks for visiting & commenting my August photohunt! There will be more Cuba-photos coming to my photostream in Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/timokoo/ so you're welcome to there too. :-)
Your hunt catch was really good, especially I liked the macro!
Greetings from Finland; have a good autumn!
Love the sand for 'dry.'
Thanks for stopping by to check out my August photo hunt pics! I love your macro lizard shot, that's pretty amazing! And I also think the repetition shot is pretty funny :)
beautiful shots! So many to love! The interpretations are great. My favorites are something wet, light, contrast and something in season. (in fact, I just voted for that "something in season" over on the challenge blog!)
Thanks for coming over and checking mine out!
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