Hooray! It's finally time for the edit portion of "Shoot & Edit"....
Love link'n up to Ashley's blog and seeing what everyone's been experimenting with!
So, Monday, I shared my SOOC image with ya'll..

So, first I did my basic adjustments in Lightroom.... pretty much the same things Ashley does in ACR. Sometimes I use ACR, but I really like Lightroom 3. I tend to do my initial, and final edits there.
I also cropped it, putting the focus more on my daughter. I prefer to shoot with primes, and the trade off is, sometimes I have to rely on cropping, as my feet aren't a fast enough zoom sometimes!
Basic Lightroom Edit

Then I tossed it over into CS5. Here I upped the color a little and sharpened. I also warmed up the image a little. Then I saved it back in Lightroom, made a slight vignette and de-noised a little... Here's the results!
Edit #1

I don't dislike it....but I don't LOVE it.....so I tried something different. This time, instead of upping the saturation, I played with the color of the highlights and shadows...changing the tone and the feel of the photo....
Edit #2

Ahh...there we go... That's more what I was thinking.....
And, because of my undying love affair with B&W, I figured I'd see how it looked there too, which kinda goes against the point of the theme being "red" but hey, I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer....why stop now? :)
Edit #3

So, what do you guys think? Which edit do you like?
Off to go see YOUR edits now! Gotta love Thursdays!
I like your b&w, but I REALLY love the feel of your final color edit!
I actually like your first edit - I love the natural beauty of the image. Beautiful job.
Edit #1 is BEAUTIFUL! I like it in color so much more because it allows her full personality and joy to shine!
I am tossing it up between number 1 and the black and white...can not choose!
Ummmmm, I like them all! But, if I had to choose...the middle edit.
I like how the colors and depth pop in each edit (except for b&w of course)! :)
oh be still my heart i am {in love} with the second edit, vignetting & color are so scrumptious! great edits girl & happy thursday!
Great edits! I really love your first edit!
I really love your first edit! I just started using LR and have so much to learn and experiement with. I'm hoping to do this challenge soon! Great edits!
Beautiful! I like all of them, too.
I love the 2nd edit - the tones are just gorgeous! Of course, I loved them all so it was so hard to choose.
I really like the first edit but the contrast is just sooooooo good on your black and white.
Such a cute photo. You did a beautiful job on the editing!
I like them all, but I think edit #1 is my fave. She is such an adorable subject! :)
Such an adorable wintery shot! I like the basic edit a lot, but I think the B&W is my favorite!
Such a sweet shot!! Love the edits..my fave is the B&W!!
I think my favorite is the first one - the red is so vivid and beautiful against the background! You did such a great job with all three though, it's hard to choose just one favorite!
I love the first edit. So simple and gorgeous.
I like them all, but the first edit is my fav! Great job on all of them!
I LOVE your edit #1...perfect!! :)
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