EDIT: I figured it would be easier to answer this on here! lol.....A bunch of people asked me if I used an action. No actions or presets....I actually use very few actions or presets, that I didn't make myself. I did save this though....I'll have to go through it and write down my thought process to share with you guys :). Most of the time, I just sit at Lightroom and play with it, until what I have in front of me matches the picture I have in my head. Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments though! They mean a ton to me!
I really love this blog hop :) Be sure to hop on over to
Pixel Perfect and check out all the other awesome edits this week!
This is from a family session I did the other day...they were so much fun! It was really hard to just pick one photo for the blog hop today. Besides it being GORGEOUS in my neck of the woods this time of year, this family was just awesome!


Shot with my Canon 50D, 85mm 1.8, and edited in Lightroom 3, and CS5
what a precious photo! you did a great job. I love the softness of the picture
What a beautiful edit. Great job!
Gorgeous edit!!! Did you use an action?
This picture is precious no matter how it looks, but the edit is superb!!!!
I love a photo with basic colors. It looks so pure. The edit makes the skin look beautiful and really draws your eye in.
That's one perfect edit! Not overdone, and makes the family pop!
What a great edit, so simple and sweet (and darling photo!)
Here's mine
Wow, really nice tones in that edit.
Gorgeous edit.. and beauitful composition... Love it!
cute cute cute!
WOW! I love the after edit! Lovely photo for the wall.
~Blondie's Abode~
Oh my goodness, I LOVE IT! Whatever you did, its perfect! What's your secret? :0)
first of all love the photo either way but i love how you edited it to make them pop! good job!
I like the light levels you've achieved in the edit and it was a great composition to begin with.
Adorable shot - beautiful processing.
wonderful colors!
beautiful hope you plan to frame these.
how SWEET :)
What a great edit! You made the image feel like it had a memory quality to it...isn't that strange how a simple tweek here and there can make such a difference?! Great shot!
What a great after effect. Really lightened it up.
I just love the composition of this shot. ANd the edit is just gorgeous!! Nice work!
beautiful...just precious!
Sweet photo! The edit is perfect!
This shot is terribly sweet and I love the brightness of your edit. Great job!
I get to be your 100th follower! I came over to visit after your sweet comment on my post"My Grandmother's Hands." I'm sorry it took me so long to come visit. Your pictures are beautiful! I also am a mommy to 4! They are all grown now, and I'm expecting my 4th grandchild! Love your site.
BTW, I added your site to my blog honor roll at Grateful Heart! Your blog is beautiful!
Love how subtle the edits are....so cute!
Wow - I love the edit!
I missed this last week. I love it! Love love it. :)
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