So, this whole month, I've been working on the August Photo sounded like such a fun idea! So, today is the day we link up our entries!
Edited to add explanations and link back to
photo challenge website!
1: A flag that represents you
I'm proud to be Mother is 100%, and many of my relatives speak Italian fluently...

2.Something comfortable
Nothing more comfortable than a Father's touch...

3.Something in Season
Well, summer IS slide 'n slide season, right?

My favorite set of piggy in the cute!

5.Repetition (click to enlarge)
Every look outside and just feel like your kids are EVERYWHERE???

6.Culture or Ethnicity
Something about kilts I just love...

I love high contrast black and white shots....

8.An indulgence
Because who doesn't love pie?

9.A Macro or Closeup
Neighboring sometimes you run out of bugs and flowers....

10.Something Masculine
This was parked near our house, and I thought it qualified...

11.Something Femenine
Something about the way she's holding her hand, and the look on her face, just is so girly to me.... I love this shot!

Sunflowers and Sun....

Someone's recycling bin...... I took this one on a walk with my kids. I'm pretty sure I've embarrassed them for life....

On the walk, our neighborhood post office....

15.An Arrow
I looked everywhere for a cool arrow..... I finally found this one on our drive to Hershey!

16.Something Wet
Doesn't get more wet than the top to a fountain!

17.Something Dry

I have not seen a butterfly all summer.......this is my favorite wind chime though!

19.Heart-shaped clouds
Found on our drive to Hershey

My son, facing his fear of heights....