Last night was hard. Last night, I had to TOTALLY get out of my comfort zone. I can't remember the last time I spent so much of a 24 hour period praying for God's guidance on an issue. I tend to be non-combative. I don't like conflict....I like uniting people, not ruffling feathers.
Last night though, I had to stand up and make my voice heard. Because sometimes, it's hard to do what you know in your heart is the right thing to do. Sometimes, you have to ruffle a few feathers, but if you're speaking the truth, being kind & compassionate, and being deliberate in your words, then it's ok. It's ok for me to be that person today. I can stand up for what I believe in, when God presses it upon my heart to do so. Even if it means I lose a friend in the process.
This is major growth for a self-proclaimed wall flower like yours truly.
Onward to photography....

When I first got a camera last year, some of the first photos I took were of my son playing teeball. When I look at those photos I took last year, I'm really amazed at the growth I've had in my photography. I've owned a camera for almost exactly 1 year now, and a DSLR for nearly 9 months. I honestly can't remember what it felt like to not have a camera in my hands, it so naturally became such a HUGE part of me.
Clean Edit

Here's my clean edit, done in Lightroom 3. I tend to use Lightroom 3 instead of ACR for my initial edits.
Full Edit

Sometimes, less is more. :) Here's my full edit. Just some little tweaks. No flashy photoshop tricks. No crazy creative edits.
Today, I think I'm just gonna reflect on all the growth I've had in the past year. Thank you, God, for everything.....